Archive for August, 2010

Summer Hikes 2010

Weir Dams / South Holston Dam:

It seems I forgot to mention in my last entry about the trip we took to the Weir Dams on South Holston River and the dam on South Holston lake on 7-10-2010. It was just a short day trip but after all it is an interesting area with a nice walking trail around Osceola Island for some exercise and enjoying nature. The Weir Dams were built to oxygenate the water for the fish and other creatures in between times when the dam is not  releasing water (generating power). It was a hot and very bright day so getting any fancy pictures was out of the question but I did enjoy being out walking somewhere and did get a few nice shots. You can see more of them in the photo gallery.

Weir Dams on South Holston River

Weir Dams on South Holston River

South Holston river as seen from Osceola Island trail

South Holston river as seen from Osceola Island trail

South Holston Lake

South Holston Lake

Since it was a short trip we got back fairly early, and I was still feeling energetic, so I drove up to Dry Creek and walked by myself up the old forest road above the Green Mile trail about a mile to the shortcut trail I found the week before.
I decided to take it down to see where it came out and if there was anything interesting to be found. It came out right near the beginning of the Green Mile trail but no water was to be found, nothing interesting, only some bear scat and tracks.


Posted on 27 August '10 by , under RATtreks. 1 Comment.