Archive for May, 2013

22nd Annual Brown Gap Hiker`s Feast – 4-26 thru 4-28-2013

Despite constant rain on Saturday and Sunday, the 22nd Annual Brown Gap Hiker`s Feast was a huge success. We had large numbers of hikers, some of which stayed all weekend and even thought Friday and Friday night was beautiful, the cold rain that we all endured for the rest of the weekend made the hikers appreciate our Trail Magic even more.

brown gap

Brown Gap


Posted on 7 May '13 by , under RATtreks. No Comments.

Appalachian Trail Work Trip – 4-3-2013

My annual early Spring inspection hike for my section of the AT was a bit later this year due to the Winter weather conditions that did not seem to want to go away as we actually had some snow this year. As you will see in the pics there was still some snow in the higher elevations but this was the first decent day we had that we could get up to the mountain to check things out and get some cleanup done. When I say ‘we’ I mean my friend and fellow maintainer Doug Corkhill who is nice enough to drive several miles out of his way to pick me up at my trail head which is Spivey Gap, in order to take me with him to the top of Big Bald where his section begins. This allows me the luxury of doing my section one way from the top down with the only sacrifice being hiking an additional 2 miles from Big Bald to get to the top of Little Bald (Big Harry) where my section starts. Since I am not as young and spry as I used to be, this helps me out tremendously not having to start at the bottom and hike the super steep 5+ miles to the top of Little Bald only to have to hike it all back out although these days, going down is just as painful if not more so. It was a beautiful morning and although a bit chilly, it was a great day to be on the mountain. It is always a pleasure to be on Big Bald. I have been asked why do I continue to do this after 22+ years knowing how much I usually hurt for a few days afterwards, to which I can only reply, because it gives me great pleasure and who would not want to work in such a beautiful setting? Although it does not pay any money and actually cost me plenty to do it, the rewards I get from it are more than any amount of money can buy. Just look at the following pics and tell me who else has an office with this kind of view ?


View looking into NC towards Mt. Mitchell from Big Bald


Posted on 7 May '13 by , under RATtreks. No Comments.