Archive for December, 2011

Fall Colors Along the Blue Ridge Parkway – 10-10-2011

With the Fall colors being in almost full peak,  my girlfriend Linda, Daisy the dog, and I took a trip to the Blue Ridge Parkway to enjoy them. We started just South of Grandfather Mountain and traveled all the way to Boone, NC. It was crowded but the views and colors were spectacular which made it all worth it. We stopped at the Dollar Store in Newland, NC  and just across the street from there was this quaint little park complete with its own waterfalls. After stopping there briefly we continued to the high country where the views were breathtaking. The light was intensely bright but I got a few usable photos.

Viaduct along the Blue Ridge Parkway

Viaduct along the Blue Ridge Parkway


Posted on 23 December '11 by , under RATtreks. No Comments.

Whiterock Cliffs and Blackstack Cliffs – 10-8-2011

When I am not trekking through the back-country looking for waterfalls you can sometimes find me high in ‘the balcony‘ on some rocky outcropping on top of some tall mountaintop enjoying whatever views might be available at the time. On Saturday October 8, 2011, my friend Bol’Dar and I began our adventure at Camp Creek Bald on top of what is called Viking Mountain. Our goal was to hang out on the two major cliffs near there being Whiterock and Blackstack Cliffs. One faces the North Carolina side and the other faces Tennessee so the views can be breathtaking. The fall colors were very nice so we hoped the views would be extra special for this trip. Our original plan had been to take the shortcut trail over to the Appalachian Trail and go North to Whiterock Cliffs on the Carolina side but, for some unknown reason we changed our minds and ended up walking the gravel road up to the fire tower on the high point of the mountain. This would add a few extra miles to our hike but it was worth it and after all, it was a beautiful sunny day and I needed the exercise.

Whiterock Cliffs

Whiterock Cliffs

Blackstack Cliffs

Blackstack Cliffs


Posted on 19 December '11 by , under RATtreks. 1 Comment.

Abrams, Garrett Cr., and Cabin Cr. Falls (All Virginia) – 9-16-2011

I was unable to go on my annual week long birthday hike in September of this year, but I did go with my friends Dave and Lou to a place I had been wanting to go for a long time. Having recently heard on the news that access would soon be closed to Abrams Falls in Virginia, I wanted to go while it was still possible. Of course we did not know it at the time but it had already been enacted and there were some No Trespassing signs but we thought they were for the property being developed adjacent to the creek and not actually for the trail to the falls as they were not right on the trail and not specific. (That`s my story and I`m sticking to it !) I later found out that the land has a new owner and is all private property and no one is allowed access and violators will be charged with criminal trespass and the Washington County Sheriff’s Department does patrol the area regularly to enforce it so, I would not advise going to these falls. We could see that the land was being developed and a road was freshly cut across the creek and up the hill on the other side most likely to what will be a new house or something in the future. We assumed the signs were intended for that part of the property so we headed down the creek towards the falls ! We got lucky on this Friday and there was no one there and apparently the cops did not come by at the right time as we got in and out without incident but I am told this is a risky venture that charges are now being placed to those caught trespassing here.

Abrams Falls  (Virginia)

Abrams Falls (Southwest Virginia)


Posted on 7 December '11 by , under RATtreks. No Comments.