Archive for May, 2017

Upper Whitewater River Gorge (NC) Misc. Falls – 7-23-2016

My next adventure would be a group hike organized by my friend Thomas (The Honey Badger) Mabry to one of the many audacious locations found within the wonderful ‘Mr. Badger`s Outdoor Neighborhood’. This adventure would take us to the upper realm of the Whitewater River in Jackson and Transylvania County (the county line runs down the river) located in Nantahala and Pisgah National Forest areas. The hike is listed as ‘extremely difficult’ and for most waterfall hikers that would be a true statement however, it would not apply to the ones who were included within this particular group. We would be seeing multiple waterfalls before this day was over starting with the appropriately named ‘Entrance Falls’ which lies at the entrance of what is known as the Upper Whitewater Slot Canyon. Access to these falls can be tricky as the easiest way requires going across a short section of private property within a sort of gated community but, our expert and very knowledgeable leader, the Badger, knew the precise route to follow to avoid any issues and we soon found ourselves on the other side of civilization and following the Upper Whitewater River into the Jocassee Gorge area of North Carolina. (Note: I thought at the time that we were going to the 800+ feet high Whitewater Falls ! I was a bit disappointed when I learned that we were not but, that quickly faded away when I first laid eyes on the Slot Canyon !)


Sculpted Falls (these are halfway through the Upper Whitewater River Slot Canyon just below Entrance falls)


Posted on 12 May '17 by , under RATtreks. No Comments.