24th Annual Brown Gap Hiker`s Feast – 4-24 to 4-26-2015

If you are unaware of what the Brown Gap Hiker`s Feast is, you may want to read a previous blog from year #20 HERE that describes the early days and evolution of the annual event. Since there is no need to duplicate it all again here, please read that and then visit the photo gallery for this years pics ! Many think Trail Magic is unnecessary, plus a waste of time and money. Although it is true that almost all thru-hikers do not need trail magic to be able to hike the trail and I will admit that due to the growing amount of it on the AT that it has changed the mentality of a few hikers as they come to expect it etc., compared to the rare instances of it years ago when we first started this, the element of surprise did make for a more enjoyable experience however, there are always one or two that are going through a bad experience and actually it does make the difference in whether they continue or not. It also does make for a wonderful tool to get the opportunity to get to talk to so many people from around the world that you would not ever have the chance to otherwise. Whether they stop for a brief moment for a quick snack and a cold drink before moving along, or end up camping out with us for 3+ days, we have met some unique and memorable people not to mention I have made some lifelong friends at Brown Gap over the years. Breaking bread with strangers opens up a chance opportunity to have time to talk which leads to an exchange of information pertaining to a variety of subjects whether it be trail related or not. We learn so much from others about so many things from trail conditions or ways to improve upon trail type things to many other subjects that are infinite in their variety. I always learn something and I am told that my sharing stories of many years of hiking and trail maintaining experiences has been a great help to others so, anytime someone says I am wasting my time and money doing it, I beg to differ. Always remember, it`s not about the miles but, the smiles and I have seen a LOT of smiles at Brown Gap in the past 24 years !


Looking down into Brown Gap


Just a few of the many smiling faces we had at Brown Gap 2015


One of the sweetest, nicest ladies I have ever met


a happy hiker !


Another satisfied hiker at the gap !


4 sisters of a family of 7 that was hiking the whole trail


Trail magic is really appreciated more when it`s raining !


RAT feeling extremely triumphant about another successful year !

Posted on 29 June '15 by , under RATtreks.

2 Comments to “24th Annual Brown Gap Hiker`s Feast – 4-24 to 4-26-2015”

#1 Posted by HikerFamily (20.02.16 at 18:17 )

Thanks for the Hiker Feast. We set camp and stayed for lunch, dinner, and breakfast! Tell Ox thanks also. Enjoyed the pictures.

#2 Posted by admin (25.02.16 at 02:42 )

You are very welcome ! The pleasure was all ours ! I will tell OX.

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