Gentry Falls – 1-18-2017

Welcome to the New Year ! Normally I am out with my friend Tommy ‘Bol`Dar’ Warden on a New Years Day hike but, for some reason which I can not remember now, I was unable to go with him. It would be nearly 3 weeks later before I was able to hike for the first time in 2017 and in turn he would be unable go with me ! This time would also be my first time hiking with a new hikertrash friend Brian Solomon. It was one of those short notice trips so it was decided that we would go to Gentry Falls, a local favorite that I have been to many times over the years. This falls is made up of two drops right together that are in excess of 40 feet in vertical height. During higher water flows, the taller, lower drop is actually a twin / double falls as it would be for us on this day. I would also be accompanied by John Forbes and my son, Tyler Tarpley. It was an early, before daylight start in hopes of good lighting. The water levels were also very good after some recent rains. Tyler and I got to the trail head first in total darkness and waited for a short while for Brian and John to show up. Soon we would all be on our way along the 2+ mile hike to the falls as first light was breaking.


Gentry Falls

The trail is very good but, does cross the stream many times so keeping ones feet dry does require some fancy rock hopping and good balance. Of course during extremely high water levels you might as well prepare to wade the creek and have wet feet the entire time ! Brian has a unique way of doing this as he uses knee high waterproof socks and a pair of boots that he just busts through the creek with the entire time. Not worrying about any time consuming rock hopping or risk of falling, he is sure footed and focuses instead on taking good pictures as he makes his way to the destination. I must add that he is very good at this !!


Gentry Creek


Brian doing a gnome pose for John in the middle of Gentry Creek !


Gentry Creek


Gentry Creek


Gentry Creek


Two very different methods of creek crossing. Brian using his waterproof sock busting through the creek way and John is an expert of keeping his boots dry all day by rock hopping and crossing equally as fast !


Brian Solomon removing some debris as he beautifies a small falls in preparation for photographing !


A small drop along Gentry Creek


John stops mid stream to show that it is sometimes the little things that matter most !


I did my best to capture the swirling waters around John without using a tripod.


Tyler Tarpley utilizing the ninja log walk method of creek crossing !


Tyler crossing on a log, high above the creek !


Medium sized falls along Gentry Creek. I always regret not getting my larger camera and tripod out for this one !


John and myself admiring a medium falls along Gentry Creek (Photo by Brian Solomon)


Gentry Creek


John Forbes does a gravity defying gnome pose while crossing a very narrow, wet log along Gentry Creek as Tyler and I await our turn to cross. (Photo by Brian Solomon)


Tyler atop a large rock near the main falls. There is a rock shelter beneath this mammoth sized rock.


Small drop and moss covered stones just below the main falls


Almost to the main falls.


Cool looking tree near the main falls


View of the same cool looking tree from beneath the huge rock that Tyler was standing atop of in an earlier pic !


John sits atop the mammoth sized rock near the falls and creates fog (which he does charge extra for 😉 )


First view of Gentry Falls

It was a beautiful day but the sun would burn through the clouds before it was over with so I did not get the quality pics I always hope for yet, it was not the worst light that I have had there either. We spent a couple hours or more at the main falls and also climbed up to the upper drop as well before making our way back to the trail head.


Gentry Falls


Gentry Falls


John getting some pics of the main falls from atop the huge rock


Lower part of Gentry Falls


Base of the lower part of Gentry Falls


Looking across the lower part of the double falls

The following photos I took using my larger camera:


Gentry Falls


Gentry Falls


Gentry Falls


Gentry Falls


Gentry Falls (Brian is blurry as he was moving at the top of the lower part of the falls when I snapped the pic !)


Lower part of Gentry Falls


Lower part of Gentry Falls

Climbing up to the top part of the falls is a wet, steep, and precarious task that is not for everyone. It is even more dangerous around the top of the lower drop so great care must be taken here. Climbing up to the top of the upper drop is not as bad but, also requires experience in doing such things. Please be very careful if you decide to climb this or any waterfall !


Upper part of Gentry Falls


Upper part of Gentry Falls


Looking down from the top of the lower part of Gentry Falls


My view from the top of the lower drop of the falls. You can see John Forbes still sitting on top of the huge rock just downstream from the falls ! In order to stand here I had to push back a laurel limb that was trying to force me off the falls. When I turned around to go back I noticed it had a huge hornets nest attached to it !!!! Had this not been in January I might have been stung many times and could easily fell off the falls because of it. Just sayin`,,,always be aware of your surroundings esp. when at the edge of a waterfall or cliff !!!


Max zoom shot of me gnoming at the top of the lower gentry Creek Falls as seen from john`s perch atop the big rock way downstream from the falls ! (Photo by John Forbes)


Top part of the lower falls


Upper drop of gentry Falls as seen from the top edge of the lower drop

bee nest

Bee nest attached to the laurel limb I had to shove back in order to stand on the edge of the falls !!!!

I took the following pics of the upper drop of gentry Falls with my larger camera:


Upper drop of Gentry Falls (Brian is at the top of them)


Upper part of Gentry Falls


Upper part of Gentry Falls


Upper part of Gentry Falls


Upper part of Gentry Falls


Upper drop of Gentry Falls


Upper drop of Gentry falls taken from the top of the lower falls


Upper drop of Gentry Falls


Working with different camera settings on the upper drop of Gentry Falls


Upper falls of Gentry Falls


Upper drop of Gentry Falls. The wind off the falls would not stop moving the laurels so they are out of focus. If not for that this would have been the best angle for these falls.


Upper drop of Gentry Falls


Upper drop of Gentry Falls


Upper part of Gentry Falls


John at the upper part of Gentry Falls (Photo by Brian Solomon)


Group shot at the lower part of Gentry Falls (Photo taken by Brian Solomon)


Looking back at the falls as we depart.


Following John and Brian as we hike back to the vehicles.


Looking upstream at one of the creek crossings on our way out shows the beautiful postcard sky day it had became.


Nature`s ‘silly string’ !

It was another great day to be out enjoying Nature at one of the more beautiful waterfalls this area has to offer and it was even greater to have finally met Brian in person and get to hike with him. I am sure this will not be our last outing together. Until next time,,,

Posted on 26 December '17 by , under RATtreks.

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