Simmons Branch falls 4-3-2010

After a scouting trip on 2-20-2010 by my son Tyler, and myself, at which time we located the lower Simmons Branch falls (frozen at that time) and the best route around them, I have been itching to go back and continue on to find the middle and upper falls that I have heard about. We finally got the opportunity,  so another record breaking hot, early Spring day found us heading up the trail by a little after 11 am on a fine Saturday morning. Due to turkey hunting season and the warm weather, the gates are now open so there were plenty of people in the woods  however none to be found in the Simmons Branch hollow. We did encounter a vast swarm of sweat bees the entire day that were very annoying. Perhaps they were as excited (and hungry) to see Spring finally here as we were ? It did not take long to make it to the lower falls (35 ft) (which were not frozen this time) and still had plenty of water flowing from them. Bol’Dar had not been here before so this was an exciting trip for him as the middle and upper falls were to be for all of us.

Simmons Branch Falls (lower)

Simmons Branch Falls (lower)

After getting some shots of the lower falls, we climbed the short but steep hill/cliff around to the left side of the falls to the lunch spot on top where we took a break to eat and check our maps. After a short scenic route out the wrong log road, and a short, steep descent to get down from it, we finally found our self in the more open valley that lies beyond the lower falls and it wasn’t long before we had our first visual of the middle falls (55 ft).  These falls are extremely nice. They are three tiered in design, very unique and very beautiful. Local legend has it that the Indians used to bath at a waterfall in this area that had three levels so perhaps this was the place? We took our time here to enjoy it, taking several pics as we climbed the actual falls to the top level before climbing up to an old log road on the right which takes you almost to the upper falls which you can about see from there.

Simmons Branch Falls (middle)

Simmons Branch Falls (middle)

There is a nice set of cascades at the bottom before reaching the upper falls but soon you see the upper and largest of the three falls. (75 ft) These are not fully appreciated until you are actually all the way to the base of them. They looked even higher as Bol’Dar proceeded to climb to the top of them one level at a time ! (I think he was looking for an aquifer that is rumored to feed these falls) We rested here for quite a while waiting on the bright sun to hopefully go behind the clouds that were forcasted for that day, in order to hopefully get better photos but it did not happen so we had to settle for what we could get and just enjoy this brilliant set of waterfalls.

Simmons Branch Falls (upper)

Simmons Branch Falls (upper)

We backtracked to the old road above the lower falls where we used another old log road that led us over the ridge to the four wheel drive road that we used to get back down to the vehicle stopping only to talk to some horse riders and a quick climb down to the East Branch of Simmons creek where some very nice falls are located  (15 ft).  Four most awesome waterfalls in one day and no merit badges ! It just don’t get much better than that.

East Branch Simmons Falls

East Branch Simmons Falls

For more pics of these falls, please visit our Photo Gallery.

old stump

old stump

Posted on 20 April '10 by , under RATtreks.

2 Comments to “Simmons Branch falls 4-3-2010”

#1 Posted by melb1970 (20.04.10 at 18:19 )

Killer shots of the falls!!! That is one very nifty place especially good trip to make it back to the car without a merit badge . Your pics have me almost tempted to spring for a “real” camera to record my adventures- almost.

#2 Posted by RATtreks » Simmons Branch Falls 2 – 23-2011 (31.03.11 at 19:06 )

[…] to take while I went over to the base of the lower falls and setup my tripod to take some pics. The last time I was here, there was no where near this much water and the time before (my first time actually) it […]

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