Archive for December, 2013

Rocky Fork-Long Branch Falls – 12-4-2013

It has been since November of 2010 that my last trip to Long Branch Falls located in the Rocky Fork area and I was unable to get any decent pics on that trip due to low water flow and bright sunshine. My friend Dave was in about the same situation except he had recently made a trip back there but, was unable to find the upper falls again and asked if I would accompany him on another trip there and show him their location. It had been awhile since either of us had been on a moderate hike so being a bit out of shape, we decided to just have a leisurely hike and see how far we could get up the Long Branch Hollow.

triple falls

Triple falls on Rocky Fork Creek


Posted on 23 December '13 by , under RATtreks. 1 Comment.

Lower Sill Branch Falls – 11-30-2013

Since it had been awhile since my last trip to the mountains (11-16-2013), I needed to get a quick fix but, it was already 3pm so it had to be somewhere close to home. For this reason I decided to go to Clarks Creeks and hike up Sill Branch to the Lower Falls to get some exercise and take some pics of those falls and some of the other smaller ones in the vicinity. It was about 3:30pm when I left the car and began my hike up the Sill Branch hollow. There was still snow on the ground and the breeze blowing out of the valley was chilly but, it felt good to be in the woods. I met two friendly older ladies who were on their way out and we conversed for a spell about waterfalls as it seems they were from Sevierville and were tired of hiking in and around the Smokies and were venturing further out to see new things. They asked me about some huge waterfall called Mill Creek Shoals and for once it was a falls I had not heard of. We have a very small falls on Mill Creek over on some private property near Erwin but nothing large by that name that I know of. I let them know about my website and welcomed them to contact me anytime to help them find lots of falls in the area.


Lower Sill Branch Falls


Posted on 5 December '13 by , under RATtreks. No Comments.