Trail Days – 5/13 to 5/15/2011

This year was the 25th Annual Appalachian Trail Days held in Damascus, Virginia, known as ‘The Friendliest Town On The Trail’. The first one was started to celebrate 50 years of the Appalachian Trail going through the center of town.  I look forward to this event every year as it is the only time I get to see so many of my closest hikertrash friends and trail family. Of course it was not the same due to the recent losses of ‘Okeepa‘ and ‘PawPaw‘ but knowing they would want the celebration to carry on, we did it up right in their honor.

Hiker Parade

Hiker Parade (Photo by 'Khatmandu')

I arrived at HairntVille on Friday afternoon (5-13-2011) and set up camp before any of the rains came. There was already lots of trash there, many of which were staying for a whole week for the impending wedding of Hoppy and Birdie the following weekend. The weather was a mixture of hot in between some scattered showers all weekend. Overall I have no complaints in that department. There was lots of good times had by all and tons of delicious foods were prepared, most memorable being ‘Jeb‘ aka ‘Oh Beater of Buckets‘ and his mighty smoker that continuously turned out mass quantities of smoked delicacies around the clock. I can not believe how much his son Telly has grown. (I think he was named after my Telecaster!) I did my share of cooking but not as much as prior years.

 t shirts

My kids seemed to have a good time as they feel right at home having been raised up going to every Trail Daze since they were born as I have been going for 21 years which is longer than either of them have been alive. My daughter Rita took her friend Charlie who also seemed to really enjoy himself. I am sure he has never experienced anything quite like this in his lifetime. I also was the ‘Daddy Rat’ to my dear Cora Belle who is one of the many ‘Children of The Daze’ that has been coming there since they were very young.

My kids at the RAT-Camp

My kids at the RAT-Camp

Face Painting in The Park

Face Painting in The Park

Another honorable mention goes out to my ex-brother-in-law Bobby who attended both Brown Gap and Trail Daze this year for the first time in many years. It was really good to hang out with him again at both events for sure.  Not to forget one of the original ‘Boones Creek Bunch’ members,  ‘Treadway‘ aka ‘BullTwister‘ was there after a long several years absence. His son Dylan was also there for his first time. He is one cool kid and is a natural hairnter for sure. Pure trash those two are for sure ! ! I also got to see ‘Green Man‘ and ‘Mongoose‘ this year. It has been too long since we last hung out together. Of course there were the usual regulars which without them it would just not be Trail Daze which include Pirate, Wee Willy Prince of Wales, Lone Wolf, Gypsy, LowRider, Hoppy, Birdie, Jonny and Mary Bluegrass (and baby Vivian), Fish and Kim, Gorp and Bean (and their kids), The RebelsStrider The Trail Legend, LegsColonel Sideshow and Plum, and Bev, just to name a few.

Fire Art

Fire Art by 'Sideshow Joe' aka Turbo Joe

Fire Art

Fire Art by 'Sideshow Joe" aka 'Turbo Joe'

I had the joy of being a preacher for a mock ‘Hairnt Wedding’ for which I wrote the words and vows for and also directed, to bring the union of  ‘PawPaw’s’ son Matt and his soon to be wife Stella, together. That was more fun than should be allowed !

Mock Hairnt Wedding

We are gathered here together,,,,

Mock Hairnt Wedding

With this ring I thee wed,,,

Mock Hairnt Wedding

By the power hairnted in me, I now pronounce you trash and wife ,,you may kiss the bride

We also had the first annual ‘Hairnt Off’ contest to see who could Hairnt the longest. I came in 3rd place and this will now be an annual tradition I am sure. There was even a trophy given. To see videos of this event (if you dare) you may click on PART ONE and PART TWO.

Contestants in the Hairnt Off Contest

Contestants in the Hairnt Off Contest

The parade was average size but was no smaller than years before and luckily the rains held off until afterward although, with all the water wars going on, everyone was wet by the end anyway ! There is quite an arsenal of water guns of all sizes, thousands of water balloons, locals using water hoses, and I seen one ‘frustrated hiker‘ who got a defective water balloon !  The hardest part is keeping ones camera dry during the process.  Also, Gene Espy, the second person to hike the entire Appalachian Trail was there.   To see a complete set of photos of the parade, please visit the gallery HERE.

Hiker Parade

Hiker Parade (Photo by Kathmandu)

This year our own beloved Miss Janet is making her way North doing a thru-hike in her own ‘Trail Angel’ style.

Miss Janet in the Parade

Miss Janet in the Parade

I finally managed to find a pack just my size only to find out it wasn’t for sale:

RAT Pack !

RAT Pack !

There were even others there of my own kind:

RAT finds a RAT !

RAT finds a RAT !

The park was full of its usual food, craft, and backpacking product vendors,  along with plenty of entertainment but the highlight was the Hiker Talent Show. Lots of talent this year and my friend A.J. Stone won it by singing his ‘Hiker Funk‘ song that he wrote while hiking some of the trail this year. I also seen many of the new hiker friends we made from the 20th Annual Brown Gap Hiker Feast at Brown Gap this year who were there enjoying Trail Daze.  This is also where my friend ‘Legs‘ and I reunited with some dear friends of ours,  ‘Gordy’ and ‘Munchkin ‘ whom we had not seen in quite some time.  We met Gordy at Brown Gap in 2004 and she was just starting her musical career. Now she is an accomplished guitar player and singer with her own CD`s ( and playing at great venues around the country.  I did not know they were there until I seen her walk out to perform in the Hiker Talent Show ! It was so good to see them and hear her sing and play again.  She did place high in the talent show. I saw many more of this years Brown Gap hikers while hanging out in the Park. My friend LowRider  ( was busy selling stickers at his booth which is a VERY popular hangout.

Rorey 'Gordy' Carroll

Rorey 'Gordy' Carroll

LowRider's Sticker Booth

LowRider's Sticker Booth

After the parade and hiker talent show,  I went back to get my van (which I had parked sideways in Lone Wolf`s yard on the grass) to find that he had called the law to see who`s van it was and was he was not happy about my method of parking and the fact I had parked on his grass ! [Sorry Wolf and Gypsy !]  I did learn however,  that the police pointed out that my tag was expired !

Wolf waiting to dispense wrath on the RAT

Wolf waiting to dispense wrath on the RAT

This year Sonny, his wife Anna, and all their kids came down from Kentucky which made it a special year for sure. The Hairnt-Alarm on his vehicle kept going off followed by Anna screaming: “Honey ! Honey____ ? !! After a few times of this, every one automatically hollered along with the alarm when it would go off with : Hairnt! Hairnt! Hairnt! Hairnt! (in time with the alarm) etc while I yelled “Honey !!!! Honey_____? !!! Fun times indeed.

Sonny and Anna in a group shot

Sonny and Anna in a group shot

Another thing that made this a memorable and special year is it being the first Trail Daze for Vivian Kinney, firstborn daughter of Jonny and Mary Bluegrass who was not at Trail Daze last year due to Vivian being born at that time ! She has grown so quickly and seemed to have an awesome time. She is so beautiful and is a natural hairnter but then again, look at her genes !

Miss Vivian

Miss Vivian

On Sunday (5-15-2011) it seems many left earlier than usual. Perhaps this is due to the economy in part and the long distance many drive to get there. Regardless, it is always hard to say goodbye and even harder to actually leave. I had to work that night so I had no choice. I would be back the following weekend for the wedding but it will be another year before the next Trail (Hairnt) Daze. I am already looking forward to it.

RAT and friends

RAT and Friends (and daughter)

To see more pics from this years Trail Daze event, please visit the Gallery HERE.

Posted on 18 August '11 by , under RATtreks.

One Comment to “Trail Days – 5/13 to 5/15/2011”

[…] that they would be married, so a Hairnt wedding was planned. It was to take place the week after Trail Daze and people would come from far and wide to be there. Some came for Trail Daze and stayed the whole […]

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