RIP My Brother , James William McRae

It is with great sadness that I write this. On Friday, September 5, 2014 ,  my oldest brother James ‘Jim’ William McRae left this Earth way too soon. He was only 62 and had a lot of living left to do but,  a higher power decided to call him home early it seems. He will be surely missed by many of us here among the living but, we must take some comfort in knowing that he is now with our other loved ones who have also gone ahead of us including our dear mother whom we also miss more than any words can describe.

Jim never met a person who did not like him and he was a hard working and an honest as the day is long kinda guy. There will never be another living being like Jim as he was truly one of a kind, unrivaled, and the most unique individual I have ever known. His unorthodox sayings will live on forever along with the endless stories of his interesting adventures that took place during his life.

I regret that it had been a number of years since I had seen him and I did not get the chance for one more visit before his passing. This also has forced me to look into my own mortality as I realize now more than ever just how short life is and how quickly it can be gone. I must say to you now that if there is anyone you need to see, anything you need to say, or anything you need to do before your time expires, please DO NOT put it off ! Get it done because we are not promised a tomorrow and you or someone you love could be gone before the sun rises again.

Rest in peace my brother, you are loved like no other and I will miss you for the rest of my days until we meet again on the other side. In his own immortal words I will close this with,,,, “Alright then ! “

my brother

James ‘Jim’ William McRae           Jan 27, 1952 to Sept. 5, 2014

jim and mother

Jim and our mother Ellen Jane taken 12-24-1979

Posted on 8 October '14 by , under RATtreks.

One Comment to “RIP My Brother , James William McRae”

[…] to many unforseen circumstances that occurred, one of which was the unexpected passing of my oldest brother Jim. On the way to visit family and attend the funeral services I did stop to see what I call lower […]

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